A composition made from works by Alice Bloomfield and Fergus Polglase, for Late Works 3.


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The first concept that was devised for Late Works, where a group of musicians spontaneously improvise music in response to two painted folding dressing screens.

The musicians are asked to respond for a total of 30 minutes to each screen, with them being rotated midway. The screen itself stands in front of both the audience and the musicians, with everyone - including the musicians - experiencing it simultaneously, and for the first time.


LATE /leɪt/
• near or at the end of day or well into the night.
• belonging to the time just before the present moment; most recent.

WORKS /wɜːks/
• something created as a result of effort, especially a painting, book, or piece of music.
• everything that you might want or expect to find in a particular situation.
• the parts of a machine, esp. the parts that move.
• an industrial building, especially one where a lot of people are employed. ---> (hopefully in the future)

LATE WORKS /leɪt/ /wɜːks/
• works produced by artists of late,
• at the latest moment to the present,
• displayed late in the evening,
• for fun, to collaborate, to communicate, to experiment, to exchange, to speculate, to see what happens.


• The musicians respond to the first side for roughly 15 minutes, with the screen being turned around at the end at an appropriate moment, allowing the musicians to respond for a further 15 minutes. The performance shouldn’t be interrupted by the turning of the screen.

• The panels for the screens should if possible be found by chance then assembled and given to the artists to paint. The artists then have exactly a month to finish the work.