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plates (x5) are discursive, experimental writings on sound, noise & voice ----- a speculative, conversational, accumulative, motley framework of studies on the arts & language ----- pocket-sized print editions of individual works, compiled into open-ended articles and albums ----- full of critical thoughts and prompts that are easy to understand and digest -----

plates has emerged from conversations surrounding how language swerves, gets translated, transcribed, diverted, in accidents and with purpose, to build the worlds we live in ----- these anecdotes and botherings are pieced out and strung together, held, piled, shuffled, dispersed and read ----- to stimulate, provoke and encourage inquisitive thought

plates also exists to produce, publish, host, educate and promote in various forms ----- to keep many projects spinning at once & act as a platform for work to grow from

some topics we’re thinking of include: the loudness war ----- artificial intelligence & improvisation ----- puns & etymology ----- object lessons & deschooling ----- "in conversation"s & active listening ----- auctions & limited editions ----- royalties & equal/equitable pay ----- hauntology & myth ----- plagiarism & authorship ----- making strange (defamiliarization) & the uncanny ----- historical revisionism & decolonising the archive ----- the universal addressability of dumb things ----- paper trails & memory palaces -----

& we're looking for anyone to send us: rambles, thoughts & voice notes ----- reviews & responses ----- itches & annoyances ----- scribbles & marginalia ----- objects that fall out of books ----- comic strips ----- text messages & conversations ----- songs & sounds ----- logs & film lists ----- horse heads & newspaper clippings

in essence, plates is comprised of three parts:

plates ----- individual works, writings, artworks, recordings, open to submission by anyone and everyone

articles ----- a collection of plates under an umbrella concept, with notes bridging and connecting them to each other, moderated by two or more editors

albums ----- compilations/volumes of audio works that align with or operate adjacent to articles

Browse Articles:

Alphabetical Processions

updated on:

February 5, 2025

Alphabetical Processions

does understanding lyrics hinder or enhance the listening experience? ----- how do you transcribe abstract vocals? ----- does punctuation exist in music? ----- (& how do you sound a bracket?) ----- fortuitous mishearings, blurting utterances, the limits of transcription ----- the bounds of language ----- the tail end, the caboose of phrase ----- no soap, radio ----- featuring Cocteau Twins, Lady Mondegreen & The Loch Ness Monster.

Memory After Memory

updated on:

March 18, 2024

Memory After Memory

are you born a plagiarist? -----  how many lies have you been spreading? ----- faking illness, forging signatures, stealing anecdotes ----- it’s all downhill that way… ----- and now you’re repeating yourself ----- memory after memory ----- featuring Saint Fabiola, Nelson Mandela, Trigger’s Broom & your Mother’s eyes.

Construct your own article by combining individual plates: